Melikokia (Celtisaustralis)

20160127 104705 1

The Melikokia tree also known as Melikoukia (Celtis), belongs to deciduous trees and grows in many regions around the world, main feature, the pail gray color of trunk.

It’s one of the medium-sized trees, reaching usually 25-30 meters height.
The Latin name Celtis, inspired by Plinio, seems to be also the ancient Greek name, for one of the plants rumored is the lotus of the Ancients!

The leaves are gray-green, long or lancelate, toothed and the upper surface of which distinguish lint and fluff on down, depending of course with the kind.

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A living light green to distinguish with the Spring which darkening with the coming of Summer and turn yellow in autumn.

Also the fruits, very small in size ( 6-10 milimeters in diameter) colored by different colors such as, green, black, yellow, even orange.

These fruits are effective of flowers, the appearing in the early spring, even while the leaves grow.
Both the leaves and fruits used widely from botanical uses and for the manufacture of feed.

There are many dozens of species melikokias, which most known as the African (celtisafricana), European (celtisaustralis) and Chinese (celtissinensis).

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